The Owl and Badger Podcast

Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
In this episode we review Nick Franks’ latest book ‘The Glorious Few: Redeeming Radicalisation in the Kingdom of God'. We explore the nature of ‘de-radicalised’ Christianity in the West, the ‘industrial idolatry’ in the church, why the churches closed in 2020, and what ‘redeeming radicalisation’ looks like. We think this is an important book, particularly for the UK church, and would encourage listeners to get a copy for themselves and one for their church leader! We conclude with 2 Timothy 4:8 and "Amen, Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20).
Order The Glorious Few book
Nick and Mairi Franks YouTube
Into the Pray podcast
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Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
In this final episode of 2023, we have a review of the year and some of the topics we have covered and people we have interviewed. Topics include veganuary, abortion, standing up for truth, biblical orthodoxy, gender ideology, one-world government and replacement theology. We have included links below to the excellent people we have interviewed: Dave Brennan (Brephos), Jamie Franklin (Irreverend), Nick Franks (The Glorious Few), Luke Avery (Lambda Bible Studies) and Professor Norman Fenton. We finish with Romans 12:1-2 as an encouragement to one another for the new year ahead.
Dave Brennan, About Abortion
Aaron Edwards on Simon G pod
The Methodist inclusive language guide
Nick Franks
Glawdys Leger
Lambda Bible Studies
Norman Fenton
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Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
In this episode we have a look back over the significant events and hot topics of 2022. We also mention a few heroes of the year who have made a stand for truth, called those in power to account, been willing to pay the price for speaking out and have taken the narrow and difficult path. As we look forward to 2023 we draw wisdom from Ephesians 6 which tells us how to stand firm in our faith, and we wish you all a Happy New Year!
Note: We said war in Ukraine started Thu 20 Feb, we meant Thu 24 Feb.
Messages for our time
Nicholas Franks
Dr John Campbell
Bob Moran
Neil Oliver
Maajid Nawaz
Owl & Badger Telegram

Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
In this episode we review Rod Dreher’s book ‘Live not by Lies’, a title taken from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s call and example as an anti-communist dissident. Dreher warns of the dangers of ’soft totalitarianism’ in the West, and the particular challenge it poses to Christians and to the family. We discuss how to live in truth, and the merits of Dreher’s SEE, JUDGE, ACT refrain:
SEE: be awake to the realities around you
JUDGE: discern the meaning in terms of what you know to be true (and especially Christianity)
ACT: to resist evil
This is an important book which we highly recommend.
Linked to the issue of totalitarianism, we also mention the Frankfurt Declaration which we suggest that all Christians read and consider signing.
Buy Rod Dreher's book - Live not by Lies

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
In this episode we review the BBC documentary ‘Unvaccinated’, in which the presenter Hannah Fry meets seven unvaccinated people to investigate why they have not received the covid vaccine, and to see if any of them will change their mind when challenged. We look into the background of the programme, the claims it makes (as well as what it does not mention), the experts it uses and why seeking the truth is important for us all.
BBC Unvaccinated
Vikki Spit
Yellow card data
Owl & Badger Telegram

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
In this episode we review the much-talked-about film ‘What is a Woman?’ Why is it becoming such a difficult question to answer in our culture, what is the truth and why is it important?
The film: What is a Woman?
The book
Zuby’s interview with Matt Walsh